Thursday, September 9, 2010

travel and time in the USA

Our road trip trough the USA is what I expected, life happening in a different country. We started out in Salt Lake City in Utha, we drove trough Nevada to Mammoth in California. I had my first bear spotting in Mammoth, from the window of our lodge into the parking lot of the lodge!

Our next stop was Yosemite, so majestic, non stop beauty. The world of adventurer John Muir. More bear encounters! no pictures. The road to San Francisco was fast, little towns scattered all along the highway. Then San Francisco, bustling, fast, foggy and clear, cold and hot and beautiful. All on the same day. High tea with Mary and David in Orinda, they came from Wales and England 40 years ago and stayed.

Our room for the next 10 days was in Oakland in a 100 year old home of Cindy. The most incredible house overlooking the bay.

We left the Bay area to visit Ukhaia, the best small town to live in, in California. Played golf and moved on to Ashland in Oregan. A picture perfect town, the economy is based on theatre, mainly Shakespeare plays.

Crater lake was our next stop, blue water, white stone and massive trees. Then traveling trough beautiful green Oregan, Redwood forests and Douglas Fir trees, magical scenes. We stayed with Dan and Sarah in Bend, it was difficult to leave because our stay was great.

From Bend we traveled in our supercharged gas guzzling Toyota truck to Washington state then on to Seattle. On to a ferry to Squim and Port Angeles. Here we stayed in a great room overlooking the harbour, Fred fished, we played golf and moved on. Into a ferry with our truck to Victoria, BC. We are still in Victoria. Kayaking, sailing, eating in a beautiful home on the water!

FORKS Washington State September 2010

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Seattle September 2010

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Wahington State Forks 2010

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BEKRIS gallery in Sanfrancisco

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Yosemite 2010

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